About Us

Who is Ornero?

Ornero Systems is an independent tech support company that specializes in restaurant point-of-sale systems. From running network cable for a brand new full-service restaurant to configuring a modern software and hardware solution for a well-established neighborhood watering hole, we do it all and then some.


Where is Ornero?

We are based out of Arlington, VA and currently service customers from Leesburg to Old Town as well as a handful in DC.


What is “Ornero”?

In the late 70s, two young teenage brothers from a small, rural town in central Bolivia moved out on their own to a bustling city in Argentina. While most kids their age spent their time complaining about homework, these two would spend the next few months finding factory work and sleeping on couches. A few long weeks and a handful of graveyard shifts later and they were finally able to afford their own apartment on a street named after Argentina’s national bird: “Hornero”.

Decades later the older of the two brothers would explain to his oldest son the importance of Dedication, Ambition, and above all else, Family. In doing so, he would make parallels to the Hornero bird’s unique work ethic. He would explain how a little nest made of grass and twigs wouldn’t suffice and how instead, over the course of months, the Hornero would use clay to build a fully covered dome with its own two hands for itself and its family. His oldest son would then point out that birds don’t have hands and spend the next five minutes daydreaming about if they did.

Then after floating back down to reality, the oldest son, having spent the majority of his professional life working in restaurants, would notice that same Dedication and Ambition in every level of the restaurant industry: The server working nights and weekends to cover tuition; the bartender building an encyclopedic knowledge of the drinks they pour and people they serve; the cook hustling in the kitchen for hours on end to carve the words “head chef” next to their name. Together they were a Family, and together they would learn to build something with their own two hands while the rest of the kids complained about homework.


Why is Ornero?

In short, our goal is to take the tech side of the industry off your list of things to worry about so you can focus on running your restaurant and building your business. This includes configuring the computer system, navigating industry security standards, troubleshooting software, and repairing/replacing hardware.


When is Ornero?

Hey, we just met you, and this is crazy, but our info is at the bottom of the page, so, email us maybe? As soon as you reach out to us, we’ll have someone reach out to you.


How is Ornero?

Pretty good, how about yourself?